Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Church Mythology

No, this is not a class I took in seminary... In preparation for our Fall series (working title: Mythbusters) what are some of the popular cultural myths about the church or following Christ?

Some examples we came up with at the meeting on 6/7 are:
-Christians dont drink or dance.
-Following Christ: Be Happy Don't Worry
-You must be poor/rich to follow Christ
-God hates fags
-Many ways to Heaven
-Follow Christ = Never Sin
-Jesus: Good Guy, Not God
-Its all about Heaven
-You Have to Check Your Brain at the Door


Bryan said...

I like the name Mythbusters... but it seems too mainline/commercial... we have already done the office... Plus something with an "Urban Legends" type feel to it is more fun to me.

Suburban Legends
Church-urban Legends
Turban Legends (if they all were OT Bible myths)
UR-ban Legends

You get the point.

Unknown said...

It may seem too mainstream, but it's an easily identifiable and recognizable title, and something that people will identify with immeidately.

Plus, I just had the insane the idea of having a dual set of Jesuses (Jesi?) -- one in the "traditional" peaceful garb of films from the 1950's standing back-to-back with James Caviezel in front of the MYTHBUSTERS logo (just like the image from the show/on the front page of this posting) -- to illustrate the busting of the myths of the Bible and how we perceive Christ may not be the way He really is.

Clearly, I need more sleep and/or stronger medication.

Billy said...

Everyone should check out Lifechurch's Urban Legend videos. Or better yet, just check out the leaked YouTube video:

I think we do need to grab hold of the office videos' success and try another great video idea to link from week to week.

If we do Mythbusters, we should try some stuff on our own. For example, Can we bust the myth that Christians can't dance? We could get some funny footage on that one.

Or perhaps bust the myth that Christians don't drink, and walk into a Compass Staff meeting with Coronas in everybody's hands? Well, maybe not that one. The sky is the limit....

Davey said...

I nominate Meredith for the dancing clip.

Oh, and how about...
Christians don't laugh (or have a sense of humor)

sherri said...

Myth or Fact?:
Christians can't/don't believe in Evolution

I like this series and like Billy said, the success of The Office showed that you can touch a nerve with a common idea that is expanded and redefined in the context of spiritulaity. If you do urban ledgends *someone* will have to eat a handful of pop rocks and drink a coke on stage. I'm just sayin'.

Nathan said...

What about Christians never have bad things happen to them once they're saved? I had a better one than this on the drive back from Texas this morning, but it left me somewhere around the Mississippi/Alabama border.

Unknown said...

How about all we do is ever ask for money? "We," of course, being the extended family -- you know that some visitors think that every time there's a basket passed/love offering taken.

Or that we're only interested in numbers (the number of people who attend/join our church) instead of the actual souls these people possess? Quality of contact over quantity of contact, if you need a soundbite.