Wednesday, June 13, 2007

WATER series set design ideas...

Okay guys, based on last Thursday's meeting our new series is WATER. Water plays a huge role in the Bible as setting and symbol of so much. So we are going to explore some of the GREAT stories of the Old and New Testaments through the lens of water. We need to begin to work on some set ideas and visuals for this... So, have at it!

Here are some thought generating questions:
1. What are some words or associations with water.
2. How can we communicate water, without communicating water?
3. What does it look like when someone's "water breaks"... Just kidding thats gross.

Set construction begins Monday June 25... and runs all that week...


Nathan said...

I loved the idea someone had at the meeting of the reflection of water all over the stage. Another thought I had was creating a water park from the stage, complete with water slide, giant bucket, and wave machine. What about one of those water walls like Joey had at his new apartment on Friends? It's a good thing we're a church with millions of dollars so we don't have to worry about funding my gradiose ideas!

sherri said...

I really liked the sheets from the bed series as well as the drapey red cloth in the red series. Combining those could suggest water. Really sheer and possibly sparkly/irridecent drapes (a la RED) in various shades of blue and aquamarine. Full backdrop of the white scrim with long pans of water underneath (think window boxes for plants - these needn't be visible so any cheap water holding vessel would work) lined with Al foil to really reflect the light. If you train the lights on them at the right angle, they will cast the watery reflection onto the scrims at the back.

sherri said...

I forgot to mention that waterfall feature in the back of the message space. We could hook that up for a moving feature on stage although acoustics would have to be considered.

Unknown said...

So. How's about hooking a misplaced brother up with some updated info? Like -- how DID the stage look, etc?

I might be out of the state now, but I have a feeling that I'm going to stay a part of some of these conversations. :)