Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mythbusters: The Development

This series is beginning to shape into a kickin' way to start this Fall! Here is an overview of the topics that are on the table beginning August 19 (remember each topic is a "myth" of Christianity or following Christ that will either be "busted", "confirmed", or found "plausible" each week- the thinking is that these are obstacles that hold some people back from fully following Christ and growing in their relationship with Him)... Here is what is out there so far:

If I follow Christ, I can't go Downtown.
If I follow Christ, I have to weird my friends out.
If I follow Christ, I have to check my brain at the door.
If I follow Christ, everything changes.
If I follow Christ, its all about heaven.
If I follow Christ, its all about the money.
If I follow Christ, I have to vote republican.
If I follow Christ, I can't ever sin again.

Please comment on any of these or ad one of your own....

We would also like to do some **funny** videos each week based on some urban legends or email forwards that are out there... Please reply to this post with some that you have heard.... Some that we have thought of are:
Diet Coke & Menthos explosion
Pop rocks & Pepsi explosion
Cell phones unlocking your car doors
Bathtub full of ice/missing kidney*****
Impossible to drink a gallon of milk in 15 minutes
Can a human voice shatter glass?
Walking on water
Dipping hand in warm water/wetting the bed

***** Please note that we will need to be able to test these myths/legends out, so major medical operations or anything that costs money is not worth posting.

Also, any thoughts as to set design? Thinking industrial warehouse like setting for show?


sherri said... is a fab site for debunking myths or locating urban legends you've never heard of.

Unknown said...

Just as a matter of semantics:

* If I follow Christ, I have to vote republican. (The "R" should be capitalized.)

...and are these in the order of the week they'll be presented in? If so, I understand the placement of the DOWNTOWN one at the beginning (hello, college students/back to school), but the EVERYTHING CHANGES seems at the outset.

I'll have thoughts on the bustings later.

And for set design? Oh, come ON -- it's almost be worth it to design the warehouse like a "real" church as much as possible to bust the myth that you have to go to a specific type of building to be near God or be able to worship in the "proper" setting.

Michelle said...

I have actually had a friend tell me that he would never become a Christian because Christians can only have sex in order to have a baby.

It would be great for the set to be divided into two sides. One side set up like a traditional Southern Baptist church (not to down my Southern Baptist heritage)complete with "properly dressed" Southern Baptists attending and sitting straight in their pew - not responding to anything. The other side set up like a warehouse with compass folk in compass attire - responding to the sermon in Compass fashion. You may have to get volunteers to act the SB part but you could invite different people each week to sit on the Compass side.