Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Coming Weeks...

We need to begin some dialogue about the coming topics in the office series... This week 4/15 is "The Critical Person"... We are also going to be talking about "The Hypocrite" "The Needy Person" and the "The Manipulative Person"... So some questions:
1. Give an experience in your life with one or more of these people.
2. What do you think the reason/cause of those actions are (other than lost as a kickball)?
3. When did Jesus encounter such people?
4. How do you confront/deal with them?

1 comment:

Jeri said...

answers below
1. manipulative - my exmother in law always liked to know everything that was going on even things she didn't need to know. She always figured out a way to get the info she wanted and then would find a way to use it. Some times she still tries to do it thru my kids. My kids have figured it out and laugh when she tries to bribe them for info.
2. I think some reasons for manipulation are loneliness and the need to feel important, feel in control. If they know what's going on, they can try to make people do what they want them to.